Start-up consulting
All beginnings are difficult! Even when starting a business, the support of a tax advisor can save considerable nerves and costs. Don't do too much, but definitely do the right thing.
We offer comprehensive company formation consulting or investment consulting. Likewise the business start-up consultation, consisting of a realization examination, a basic concept preparation as well as the liquidity and profitability preview, belongs to our services. We check sales-oriented calculations of brokers and banks for you and thus help you to avoid possible wrong decisions. Furthermore, we take care of all bureaucratic matters at the tax office for you, so that you can concentrate directly on your business.
As a member of the BMWK-Expertenforums of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection, we can draw on a further wealth of experience, which will be of benefit to you when setting up your company.
For all interested parties who can imagine setting up a business or taking the step into self-employment, but are still looking for basic information, the above-mentioned Start-up portal is warmly recommended. For concrete and more detailed information we are at your disposal.

Topics here are in particular:
- Preparation of a business plan
- Consultation on the founding formats
- Advice about the best legal form of company
- Registration to the tax office
Wichtige Fragen für Gründerinnen und Gründer
Ein Unternehmen zu gründen ist der Traum vieler Menschen. Allerdings reicht eine gute Geschäftsidee alleine noch lange nicht aus. Folgende Fragen sollten Sie sich vorab auf jeden Fall stellen.
We support you for a good start in your business!
Start your independence with us
Feel free to contact us for a non-binding initial consultation